MMA Officials Training Academy offers the ONLY online MMA Referee and MMA Judge's online training courses available. And if you need training in how to properly Corner your MMA fighters - we can help with that too!
MMA is one of the fastest growing sports in not just our nation, but in the world. The lack of qualified referees, judges and cornermen/women have stretched the few good officials available, and most state athletic commissions are looking to Certify new officials. MMA Officials ONLINE Training Academy's Online Training Courses help prepare you to become certified by your state. We can't "Certify" you - only your State AC can do that - but we can help you get there! MMA referees, MMA judges and MMA cornering training - for the safety of the fighters.
down to check out our Online Training Courses, and choose the one that best suits you! Our fees are affordable, the training courses are all conducted online and in your time frame, and the best part is...there's no travel, hotel room, or per diem expenses,
because you can train at home!
MMA Referees, Judge's & Cornering Online Training Academy.
Realize the dream... Register now and start your education TODAY!
Please note: A total site redesign is a tricky thing, but we've tried to do our best! That said - if you find any issues or have any problems, please don't hesitate to email us HERE, so we can work on getting it corrected for you. Once you've registered, we recommend you use a computer to access your Course(s). Thank you!